Thank you for your interest in volunteering for weCompost2 @ Hart’s Worm Farm. We are a 401(3)c nonprofit with a  mission to “Promote on site composting; growing and cultivating communities in and above the soil”.

We are a small organization making a big impact (about 144,000 pounds of food received to date) and we are excited to utilize your skills and talents to help further your education and growth.

As a volunteer, your main task would be to learn how to compost and it’s importance in soil, plant and human health and to eventually use that knowledge to teach others.

You can volunteer any day of the week but the core group of volunteers arrives on Sundays at about 1:30pm. We sign in, conduct a safety meeting, do some stretches and head out to the farmer’s market at 2:00.  We collect the food, bring it back and separate the edible from the non edible food. The good food gets boxed for the volunteers to take home or give away and the scraps go to the composting corral for processing.

There are many tasks that need done from turning and building compost piles to sorting worms and watering plants or most importantly, beautifying the area.

We also have events (speaker series, demos,  board advisors meeting, etc) after the gleaning that you are welcome and encouraged to join.

The entire operation is run by volunteers and any help that you can give is greatly appreciated.

Please call at your convenience to discuss potential opportunities in greater detail …or just show up. 

Thank You


You can reach us at:

Phone: 330-703-4765
