Educating the public on composting; what it is, how it can be done and the benefits it has for soils, plants, people and the planet is weCompost2’s main task and is in fact our central pillar. We accomplish this through numerous outreach and on-site events, social media campaigns have even created a universal composting symbol that is open sourced and free to the public.

The goal of composting is to produce the best compost possible to regenerate our depleted soils, capture carbon and reverse climate change. Just a half inch of compost facilitates the ability of plants to take up to 75% more CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the soil. We showcase different types of easily implemented composting methods that you can replicate at home or work.

Food Recovery
Having access to and eating good, healthy, nutritious, non genetically modified or chemically enhanced food is a human right and should be available to all We don’t just compost food scraps, we also collect and glean the food from Farmer’s Markets that the vendors are not able to sell. This food is washed and distributed to any individual that needs it.

Each community composting outreach center is built for and with the host facilities needs in mind. We will work with each individual host site to create a space, a place and a home where people of all abilities, ethnicities, genders, religions and political views are welcome and feel safe.
Learn From Us
We're here to help you learn all about vermicomposting.
Find Your Supplies
Thinking about vermicomposting at home? We've got everything you need to get started.
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Join the mission to educate others and make a greater impact on the earth.
“Feed the soil, and the soil will feed us.”

John Craig
Whether you’re curious about vermicomposting, or you’re having a challenge with it, we’re here to answer any questions.